This Week in Self-Hosted (5 April 2024)
Self-hosted news, software updates, launches, and a spotlight on Librum - a minimal web application for reading and managing e-book libraries
Self-hosted news, software updates, launches, and a spotlight on Librum - a minimal web application for reading and managing e-book libraries
A directory of self-hosted software and applications for easy browsing
Self-hosted news, software updates, launches, and a spotlight on Fitbit Health Dashboard - a script for fetching and visualizing Fitbit data
Self-hosted news, software updates, launches, and a spotlight on EGG, a minimal self-hosted photo gallery
Celebrating This Week in Self-Hosted's latest subscriber milestone with a slice of Pi
Self-hosted news, software updates, launches, and a spotlight on DDNS Updater - a web application for updating DNS records across multiple providers