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This Week in Self-Hosted (20 October 2023) 5 min read
This Week in Self-Hosted

This Week in Self-Hosted (20 October 2023)

Self-hosted news, software updates, launches, and a spotlight on Mailrise, an SMTP gateway for Apprise notifications

By Ethan Sholly
This Week in Self-Hosted (20 October 2023) Post image

This Week in Self-Hosted

20 October 2023

Software Updates

New Software

  • FeedCord: Minimal RSS reader with Discord integration
  • G-Systemctl: Graphical user interface for services on *nix systems
  • MagicPack: Web-based Wake-on-LAN application
  • SQLiteDAV: WebDAV server for mapping SQLite databases to directories and files
  • sslash: Text alias desktop application
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Community Content

GitHub - loganmarchione/homelab-svg-assets: Full-color SVG icons of homelab-related software, products, and brands
Full-color SVG icons of homelab-related software, products, and brands - GitHub - loganmarchione/homelab-svg-assets: Full-color SVG icons of homelab-related software, products, and brands
Debian Server Essentials: Setup, Configure, and Hardening Your System
This Guide empowers users to secure and set up Debian servers efficiently, catering to various skill levels.
Enterprise events in November 2023: join Nextcloud team - Nextcloud
This November, Nextcloud team heads to enterprise events across Europe. Browse the events in our blog and book a meeting with Nextcloud team.

Content Spotlight: Mailrise

Meet Mailrise, an SMTP gateway for Apprise, the popular self-hosting push notification platform. In short, Mailrise can be configured to act as an SMTP server that receives mail, converts it into an Apprise-configured notification, and forwards the message to user-configured notification services via Apprise. The application is intended to be a more secure way to monitor e-mail notifications than configuring app passwords for hosted mail services (Gmail, etc.) while also enabling push notifications for devices and services that only support mail notifications.

Instructions for installing and configuring Mailrise can be found in the project's GitHub repository.

Configuration example from the project's repository

Links: GitHub

What We're Watching This Week

What We're Listening To This Week

Year of Voice: A Bigger Deal Than You Think
Home Assistant’s founder, Paulus Schoutsen, shares details about the Year of Voice, recent legal actions from Mazda, and the results of a recent third-party audit.
One Hundred Percent Colombian
Running OBS Studio built for Ubuntu on NixOS. Updating dozens of Snap to modern standards. J2ME retro-gaming on Android.

Weekend Discussion

Weekend Discussion: People who self-host podcast servers - why?
Seriously, though.

Command Line Corner: mkdir -p

Appending the -p flag (--parents) to the mkdir command allows users to create entire directory trees at once rather than using multiple mkdir commands to create nested folders:

mkdir -p personal/storage/photos

Privacy Corner

Brave browser installing VPN services on Windows
I updated Brave browser on Windows, and just like other users I quickly saw a popup saying “Brave VPN Service installed” + found a new icon next to clock named “Brave VPN”. When looking into it a bit more I found two services (using services.msc from command prompt) that I did not see before: Brave…

Other News in Tech

US FCC votes to advance plan to reinstate net neutrality rules
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission voted on Thursday to advance a proposal to reinstate landmark net neutrality rules and assume new regulatory oversight of broadband internet that was rescinded under former President Donald Trump.
Microsoft Announces a New Open App Platform for the Cloud
Microsoft Radius is a new open-source, cloud-native application platform that supports Azure, AWS, and private clouds.

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